Week 11: Networking and Communication Part 2

The Assignment: Demonstrate communication between a microcontroller and another device over Bluetooth or WiFi connection.


My Project:

For this week’s assignment I wanted to create an electronic tool that would help teachers keep tabs on their students progress in classwork. To do this, I created a web interface for changing the color of a wireless-enabled LED strip with the intent of using this to convey a student’s need for additional assistance.

My first step in this was to get my esp32 feather huzzah board working with the wireless network at home. To do this, I followed the tutorial which can be found here. After much trial and error, successfully got my website up and running using Google’s Firebase and used it to turn an LED light on and off

Next, I had to use the setup I had created with the Adafruit Neopixel LED strip. To do this, I modified my code from the tutorial. Instead of saving the input from the website as a string “ON” or “OFF” I changed the code to store the name of a color in the string. I then changed the if statements of the loop in my Arduino code to process the changed input string. My code is available for download here.

Finally, I changed the HTML of my website code to pass the proper strings from each named button. The final product can be seen in the GIF below